Macro para separar texto de una celda con saltos de línea




Sub SepararSaltosDeLinea()

Dim S As Range, D As Range, P As Variant, i As Long, j As Long, x As Long, F As String

On Error Resume Next

Set S = Application.InputBox("Rango que se desea separar", "Aprendiendo ẽXcel365", Type:=8)

On Error GoTo 0

If S Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next

Set D = Application.InputBox("Celda a partir de la cual se enlistará:", "Aprendiendo ẽXcel365", Type:=8)

On Error GoTo 0

If D Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

F = UCase(InputBox("¿Enlistar horizontalmente (H) o verticalmente (V)?", "Aprendiendo ẽXcel365"))

If F <> "H" And F <> "V" Then

MsgBox "Opción inválida. Solo se permite H, h, V o v."

Exit Sub

End If

x = 0

For Each cell In S

P = Split(cell.Value, Chr(10))

For i = LBound(P) To UBound(P)

If F = "H" Then

D.Offset(x, i).Value = P(i)


D.Offset(x + i, 0).Value = P(i)

End If

Next i

x = x + IIf(F = "H", 1, UBound(P) - LBound(P) + 1)

Next cell

If F = "H" Then

Set D = D.Resize(1, x)


Set D = D.Resize(x, 1)

End If

End Sub

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